
我校主要使用暨南大学新版《中文》课本并融入一定中文圣经真理和学生品格教导。学生将按中文程度和年龄分班, 每年学完一本教科书,并通过考试。
The major textbook we are using here is Chinese published by Jinan University. At the same time we also include some Bible and moral teaching. Students will be grouped by their age and Chinese language capability. Students are supposed to finish one textbook each year and pass the test.

暨南大学《中文》课本网站 Website of Chinese textbook by Jinan University

课程介绍 Course Introduction

学龄前 Kindergarten Class

招生要求 Admission Requirement: 5岁以上的幼儿,限学生8人。 5 years old and above, limit 8 students.

教材 Textbook: 《幼儿汉语》 “Chinese for kids”-根据课程所学,学生将掌握一些简单的中文单词、短句、会话,和一些歌谣、歌曲以提高孩子们学中文的兴趣。但强调正规的课堂秩序, 为往后正规学习中文打好基础。Based on the textbook, students learn some easy Chinese vocabularies, short sentences, and dialogues, and study some rhythms and songs to help building their interests in Chinese learning. A formal classroom discipline is required to prepare students for future language studies in a formal school setting.

达标标准 Academic Standard:  在一学年结束后,小朋友会认十二个汉字常用笔划,会写十二个中文字, 能认识将近100 个词汇,在不同的场合会用相应的语句对话。At the end of the school year, students are expected to learn 12 basic Chinese strokes, 12 characters, and near 100 vocabularies, and be able to use dialogs in various scenes.

课堂教学语言 Language of Instruction: 中文为主 Mainly Chinese with English assistance

一年级 Grade One

招生要求 Admission Requirement: 6岁以上具有简单的中文听说能力或从未接触过中文的儿童 6 years old and above and have limited or no basic skills of Chinese speaking and listening

教材 Textbook: 《拼音》加暨南大学《中文》第一册 “Pin Yin” and “Chinese Book One” -学习拼音、发音和用拼音读生字词。学习基本笔画笔顺、简单的字结构和偏旁, 打好写汉字基础。学过的字能正确读、写、懂得字的意思。训练用完整的中文语句提问和回答问题。 Learn Pinyin and use Pinyin to pronounce new characters. Basic Chinese character writing strokes, simple character structures and radicals will be introduced for getting ready for further learning. For characters that already being taught, students could read, write, and understand. Learn to use complete Chinese sentences to raise and answer questions.

达标标准 Academic Standard: 掌握拼音表和基本发音和用法,学会132个生字词, 29个偏旁部首和6个句子。能背颂指定课文。能阅读浅显注音读物。Focus on Pinyin and learning how to use it to assist Chinese learning. Learn 132 Chinese characters, 29 radicals and 6 sentences. Recite certain text and dialogue, and be able to read some simple materials with the help of Pinyin.

课堂教学语言 Language of Instruction: 中文为主 Mainly Chinese with English assistance

二年级 Grade Two

招生要求 Admission Requirement: 已完成暨南大学《中文》第一册或其他相等水准的教科书。 Finished “Chinese Book One” or equivalent.

教材 Textbook: 暨南大学《中文》第二册 “Chinese Book Two”-巩固正确运用基本
笔 画笔顺, 认识字的偏旁部首。认清字形, 能初步结合字形猜测字义。并继续复习巩固汉语拼音,结合拼音朗读课文。掌握简单的句型,能够看图写短句, 并讲解有趣的中国风俗。Students will understand and use Chinese character writing stroke orders correctly. They will learn characters’ radicals, structures and the relationship between structure and meaning. They will continue exercising Pinyin, read text with the help of Pinyin, write short sentences based on pictures, and tell simple stories about some Chinese traditions and festivals.

达标标准 Academic Standard: 二年级中文强调会读会写课文中的生字词,能理解偏旁部首、会运用简单句型。本册共计主课文 12篇,生字约146 个生字词, 阅读课文生字约 66 个,生词约 105 个。At the end of the 2 nd Grade, students are required to be able to recognize and apply characters and vocabularies taught. Students are also expected to understand radicals and apply simple sentence structures. The textbook includes 12 lessons with 146 new characters and vocabularies, and 12 reading materials with 66 new characters and 105 new vocabularies.

课堂教学语言 Language of Instruction: 中文为主, 英文为辅 Mainly Chinese with English assistance

三年级 Grade Three

招生要求 Admission Requirement: 完成暨南大学《中文》第二册或其他相等水准的教科书。 Finished “Chinese Book-Two” or equivalent.

教材 Textbook: 教材: 暨南大学《中文》第三册 “Chinese Book Three”-三年级的课程将在一、二年极所学中文基础上,着墨于词汇、阅读技巧、语法、造句、中文字典的使用与简单写作练习。为了丰富课堂内容,提高学 中文的兴趣和热情 ,传统文化的讨论也将融入课堂教学中去。The 3 rd Grade curriculum will dwell on vocabularies, reading skills, grammar, sentences, Chinese dictionary use and simple writing exercises. Beyond the textbook, teachers will add Chinese traditional culture and stories into the classroom teaching to enrich the content of the classroom and improve learning Chinese interest and enthusiasm,

达标标准 Academic Standard: 三年级中文强调会读会写课文中的生字词,能理解、会运用。能够正确读写学过的字词, 能初步辨析形近词、近义词、反义词和同音字。 学生能造通顺完整的句子,并开始独立读3-4个小故事或歌谣。共计主课文 12 篇, 生字约159 个, 阅读课文生字约 65 个, 生词约 105 个。The 3 rd Grade requires students to be able to recognize and apply new characters and vocabularies taught. Students should be able to discriminate preliminary word, synonyms, antonyms, and homophones. Students can make smooth complete sentences and begin to read independently 3-4 small story or songs with increased amount of literacy. The textbook includes 12 lessons with 145 new characters and vocabularies, and 12 reading materials with 65 new characters and 105 new vocabularies.

课堂教学语言 Language of Instruction: 中文为主 Mainly Chinese

四年级 Grade Four

招生要求 Admission Requirement: 完成暨南大学《中文》第三册或其他相等水准的
教科书。 Finished “Chinese Book-Three” or equivalent.

教材 Textbook: 教材为暨南大学《中文》第四册“Chinese Book Four”-主课文12 篇,生字约 154 个;阅读课文 12 篇,生字约 67 个,生词约 164 个。 四年级中文
将 以认读和书写词汇为主,并继续学习和复习偏旁部首,句型,复习汉语拼音以纠正发音。本学年将为学生提供适量写作和语言表达的练习机会, 并介绍一些中国传统文化和汉语知识。The 4 th Grade curriculum includes 12 lessons with 154 new characters, and 12 reading materials with 67 new characters and 164 new vocabularies. We will dwell on vocabularies, reading skills, radicals, grammar, and sentences. At the same time, we will continue focusing on Pinyin exercises in order to make timely pronunciation correction. Students will participate in more activities of writing in Chinese and speaking in Chinese. Chinese culture and tradition will be taught throughout the school year according to the curriculum.

达标标准 Academic Standard:  强调会读会写课文中的生字词,能理解、会运用。会读所有课文,背诵 4 篇唐诗,2 首儿歌,及部分课文精彩片段。Students are expected to be able to recognize, understand and apply new characters and vocabularies taught, and able to read the text without the help of Pinyin. They will recite four poems, two children rhymes, and some text highlights.

课堂教学语言 Language of Instruction: 中文为主 Mainly Chinese

五年级 Grade Five

招生要求 Admission Requirement: 完成暨南大学《中文》第四册或其他相等水准的教科书 Finished Chinese Book-Four or equivalent.

教材 Textbook: 教材为暨南大学《中文》第五册 “Chinese Book Five”。完成从拼音到识字的过度。能熟练按正确的笔顺写字。能较熟练地用部首笔画查字典,并读出字义。能够用学过的字词组词,继续扩大字词量。能背诵指定的课文。开始用比较细致的观察写出内容较具体的短文。开始训练默读课文,加快阅读速度。要求每周学生独立读2-3篇课外读物,培养阅读习惯。The transition from Pinyin to complete literacy is required. Students should have proficiency of writing Chinese characters in the correct sequence of strokes. They should skillfully use strokes dictionary and be able to read the meaning of words. Students will exercise to create phrases using learned words and continuously expand their word capacity. They are required to recite specific text from the textbook. They are also expected to write more detailed essay with observation and train themselves to read silently and accelerate the speed. Student should read 2-3 articles per week to develop reading habits.

达标标准 Academic Standard: 会认、读、写173个生字,能流利地朗读所有课文。Be able to recognize, read, and write 173 characters, and read the text taught.

课堂教学语言 Language of Instruction: 中文为主 Mainly Chinese

六年级及以上 Grade Six and Above

六年级以后的中文教学将在巩固学生已有的中文基础上, 全面加强学生在听说读写方面的能力– 着重于帮助学生克服这些基本技能方面的薄弱环节: 课堂学习以练习听说为主, 辅之以读写方面部分内容, 结合着重在认读和书写的课外练习. 以教师讲授为主, 结合以学生的参与,讨论, 鼓励学生积极参与对教学内容的练习, 刺激学生对课堂教学内容理解的主动性。

The curriculum of 6 th Grade and above will focus on enhancing students’ ability in listening, speaking, reading, and writing to help them gradually overcome their weaknesses in those basic skills. In the classroom, comparing to other grades, the practices of speaking and listening will be complemented with more reading and writing practices. We will design more classroom activities, such as storytelling and discussion, to encourage more student participation and stimulate their initiatives in learning.

达标标准 Academic Standard: 会认、读、写生字词,能流利地朗读所有课文。要求学生增强阅读能力。能够分析理解并运用主要句型造句及写作。完成两篇 300-400 字的记叙文。Students can recognize, read, and write new Chinese characters taught, and can fluently read the text without the help of Pinyin. Students are expected to improve their comprehensive reading ability, and improve their ability in analyzing and understanding main sentence structures, and applying main sentence structures in writing. Students need to complete two 300~400-word narratives at the end of the school year.

课堂教学语言 Language of Instruction: 中文为主 Mainly Chinese