About Us

教养孩童, 使他走当行的道, 就是到老他也不偏离。(箴言22:6)
Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old
he will not turn from it.
(Proverbs 22:6)

“以神爱世人的精神, 发展中文教育, 促进跨文化交流, 增进友谊和社区关怀, 广传福音”
“With the spirit of God loving the world, develop Chinese teaching and education, promote cross-cultural communication, enhance friendship and caring in the community, share the Gospel with the world”

南湾华人基督教会中文学校成立于2013年, 是附属于南湾华人基督教会的一个非营利社区中文学校。学校除了教导学生中文和传统文化以外,还会注重学生品格的培养。目前学校开设有简体中文班。
The MCCC Chinese Language School was established in 2013 and is a non-profit community Chinese language school affiliated with the Michiana Chinese Christian Church. In addition to teaching the Chinese language and culture, the school will also pay attention to students’ character training. Currently, we offer seven simplified Chinese classes.

You are welcome to contact us if you have a burden for Chinese teaching and school administration.

荣誉顾问  Honor Advisors
杨弘农 Susan Kiang
Richard Olson

学校顾问School Advisors
尹教授 Chengxu Yin, chengxu.yin.9@nd.edu
杨思琴 Alice Yang, alicesqyang@gmail.com

校理事会  School Board
徐永利 Dale Xu, Xuxx23@gmail.com
刘国云 Guoyun Liu, guoyunliu@gmail.com

学校同工School Staff
Bookkeeper: 齐娜 Na Qi, qnwh@hotmail.comgmail.com
Office Manager: 刘国云 Guoyun Liu, guoyunliu@gmail.com
Librarian: 刘国云 Guoyun Liu, guoyunliu@gmail.com

学校教师 School Teachers
一年级班 - Grade One:贾丽 Li Jia, jli4666@outlook.com
二年级班 - Grade Two:陈蓉 Roselyn Chen, roselynchen1977@gmail.com
三年级班-  Grade Three:丁慧  Hui Ding, hding1@nd.edu
四年级班 - Grade Four:陈燕然 Yanran Chen, yrchen89@gmail.com
五年级班 - Grade Five:刘国云 Guoyun Liu, guoyunliu@gmail.com
六年级班 - Grade Six: 王欢 Huan Wang, wanghuan8658@gmail.com
七年级班 - Grade Seven:暂缺
九年级班 - Grade Nine: 徐永利 Dale Xu, xuxx0123@gmail.com